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Five Mafia Captors’ Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 3
Five Mafia Captors’ Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance Read online
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Sadie and I continued to stare at each other. Something about her face led me to believe she was just as surprised by her actions as I was. My shock was understandably palpable as I couldn’t recall a time I’d ever been treated as such in my entire life. No one treated Dante Marcello like that. They were all too scared to, and with good reason.
And yet Sadie had. She swung her hand back and attempted to lay waste to my face. She was surprisingly strong, the pain radiating across my face. Her hand had connected with the side of my eye and I wondered if it would leave a bruise. Wouldn’t that be something? Dante Marcello sporting a bruise with the offender living to tell the tale.
I was unprepared for just how aroused I felt. My cock began to tighten in my pants. Would Sadie notice? Would she like the fact that the barest touch of her skin made me hard for her?
Slaps and hits from a woman had never turned me on in the past, not that it ever happened beyond the bedroom. I could only recall women smacking my ass to indicate they wanted me to fuck them harder. I always got the hint, but the act itself didn’t do anything for me. Maybe I would enjoy it if Sadie did it.
Sadie took a step backward. This distance seemed to help her regain her composure. She scowled at me, her fury radiating off her. “I told Twin One and Twin Two to let me go, and I’m going to tell you the same damned thing. Let me go or else!”
I chuckled. “Or else what, Ms. Hartville? What will happen to you if I don’t let you go?”
Pointing her finger at me, she said, “Your goons broke down my front door and left the thing wide open when they abducted me. People will notice. My neighbors will notice. And my family will get suspicious if they don’t hear from me. They’ll call the cops and track you down.”
The more she talked, the harder I grew. The effect Sadie had on me was strange. Normally, I liked my women passive, receptive to me. But not Sadie. I liked her tenacity.
Deciding I needed a drink, I walked over to the drink cart and poured myself a glass of red wine. I took a sip and smiled. The wine was just what I needed. It was unlike me to down wine like a common heathen, but I did. Then I poured myself another glass and did the same thing.
It wasn’t something I’d ever do in front of anyone else. Needing alcohol to take the edge off was a sign of vulnerability, but I found myself unconcerned if Sadie found me vulnerable. Vulnerability was a sign of humanity and it could endear her to me.
She looked puzzled when I turned back to her. Though her top was baggy, I could still see how toned her thighs were through her yoga pants. They would be exquisite wrapped around my waist as I sank into her. I imagined her fury dissipating into delirious pleasure as I filled her to the brim with my cock. Sadie would be so full, throwing her head back into the pillow as she screamed in ecstasy. Then I would withdraw my cock before pumping back into her over and over and over again. At some point, I would flip her over, yanking her hips to mine, and slam back inside, penetrating that delicious pussy yet again.
The image of fucking Sadie made me smile, though my smile clearly confused her, made her eyes narrow.
“Look, Mr. Marcello,” she said, softening her tone, “if you just take me back home, I’ll never tell anyone what happened. Okay? I’m a woman of my word. I’ll never tell, not anyone.”
“Ms. Hartville,” I said, walking closer to her, “when I set out to do something, I follow through with it. By nature, I’m a cautious man, so I don’t make any decision lightly.”
I didn’t stop walking until I was right in front of her and lightly stroked the side of her cheek. In a quiet voice, I asked, “Sadie, do you know who I am?”
Again, she stepped back. “I really don’t care who you are. You’re a creep and you abducted me. The cops are going to come for you.”
“Look, Sadie, Las Vegas, may not be my city. But in my city? I own it. And I own half the police force too. No one will help you there. No lawyer will challenge me because even the mayor is in my pocket. If I want it to be, Las Vegas will be mine too.”
For the first time, Sadie looked frightened, her eyes wide. “What, are you in the mob or something?”
Grinning, I said, “Oh, sweetheart, I am the mob.”
It was late when I got the call. I was already in my sweatpants, kicked back with a beer and Netflix.
When my phone began to ring, I snatched it from the coffee table and saw that Asher was calling me.
I hit the talk button and said, “Hey, man, what’s up?”
“Hey, Kane,” he replied. He sounded tired, more tired than I’d heard him in a long time. I could just imagine the purpling bags under his eyes. “I know it’s late, but the boss needs you to come in.”
I squeezed my eyes shut to keep myself from sighing. Look, I respected Dante and was proud to work for him, but I just wanted to finish my movie and go to bed. If I was getting called in this late, then it looked like I had a long night ahead of me.
“Okay,” I said, downing the rest of my beer and standing up. “Let me get dressed and I’ll be there.”
“Thanks, Kane.” He sounded grateful. Damn, whatever was up must have had him rattled.
“Hey, before you hang up.”
“Do you know why Dante needs me in?” I asked.
There was a pause. “How about I tell you in person,” Asher said finally.
“Gotcha,” I replied, walking into my bedroom.
If Asher didn’t want to say what it was over the phone, that probably meant it was illegal. In our line of work, we could never be too careful.
“Okay, man, I’ll see you in a few.”
“Alright,” he said and hung up. Asher was never one to waste words.
I quickly stripped out of my sweats and pulled a pair of dark jeans out of my drawer. The black T-shirt I had on would be fine since Asher hadn’t told me to put anything nice on.
I grabbed my shoulder holster from where I’d tossed it on my bed earlier and put it on. The gun was still inside the holster. I carried it every single time I left the house. Back home in Chicago, I carried it almost 24/7. Just in case.
Though it was still warm in Las Vegas at night, I put on a jacket that was thick enough to conceal the fact that I was carrying a gun. Dante Marcello’s bodyguard or not, I was still a black man. Sure, the law in Chicago knew who I was, but I wasn’t in Chicago. Cops in Vegas didn’t know who I was and might shoot first and ask questions later if they knew I was strapped.
After picking up my wallet, cell phone, and keys, I was out the door.
It always baffled me just how busy Las Vegas was at night. It wasn’t exactly a ghost town during the day, but it was never like this, tourists running around everywhere and Ubers zipping down the street. Sure, Chicago had a nightlife, but it was probably busier during the day in most parts of the city.
I barely dodged some asshole who pulled out in front of me and had a car nearly sideswipe me, all before I even made it to Dante’s Las Vegas home. I finally did sigh when I pulled my car up to the gate, giving myself a moment’s reprieve before I had to deal with whatever Dante needed to be dealt with.
* * *
Asher and Apollo were waiting for me when I walked inside the estate. Asher was wearing that same weary expression I’d imagined when we talked on the phone just a little bit ago. That look made me stop dead in my tracks, my eyes darting to Apollo who kept his face impassive. That was unlike him.
He also had quite a shiner coming through, his eye swollen and bruised. Whoever had done that had a nice right hook.
“What’s going on? Who died?” I joked.
“Hopefully no one dies over any of this,” Apollo said, a small crack beneath his facade.
“Uh, yeah, I really don’t know how to respond to that,” I said as I walked up to them.
Asher and Apollo looked at each other and then back at me. They wore twin expressions, part exasperation and part apprehension. Sometimes it amazed me that, after all we’d seen and done working for
Dante, we could still find new things to be exasperated and apprehensive about. Life was funny that way.
“Honestly, we don’t either and we were sent to do the dirty work,” Apollo said.
Asher glared at his brother and shook his head.
“What?” Apollo whined. “It’s true, isn’t it?”
Ignoring his brother and turning back to me, Asher said, “Okay, so here’s what happened.”
And then he told me. When he’d finished, I had to question my hearing. There’s no way Dante would have sent the twins to kidnap some woman just because he thought she was pretty. He was far too rational for that. He would impress women with his money and status, and it never took long before they were falling at his feet, head over heels in love with him.
However, I saw the fear laced in their words and knew it had to be true. But it also left me wondering why they’d brought me in if the woman was already here.
When I asked them, Asher said, “Dante wants you to keep an eye on her. Sadie isn’t exactly endeared to us since we were the ones that, um, picked her up. And you’re more likely to win her over than Brix is. Women warm up to you a lot faster. They think you’re sweet.”
I thought back to Brix awkwardly flirting with women in the past and, yeah. He made women uncomfortable a lot of the time, at least until they got to know him. But it probably didn’t matter how sweet women thought I was; a woman who’d just been kidnapped was going to need a lot more than a few hours to win over.
“C’mon,” Apollo said, “let’s head upstairs before she starts punching people again.”
Asher just laughed and I bit my tongue.
Inside the elevator, the twins told me it would be my job to keep an eye on her until Brix relieved me from duty in the morning.
Once on the top floor, they pointed me to the room Sadie was locked in and waited for Dante outside. I hesitated just a moment before knocking on the door. I listened as the lock was turned and opened the door, quickly shutting it and locking it behind me.
“Ah, Kane, thanks for joining us,” Dante said, slapping me on the shoulder.
I nodded at him, surprised by the slightly crazed glint in his eyes. This woman must have been the modern day equivalent of Helen of Troy to have this effect on a guy like Dante. Then I looked over at Sadie and began to see the reason for his uncharacteristic madness.
Sadie was absolutely breathtaking. Even completely disheveled, her clothes rumpled and curly hair askew, she was gorgeous. She looked like she was biracial like me, which could have been another reason Dante wanted me to keep an eye on her first. In a roundabout way, I would be familiar to her.
Dante glanced at Sadie and said, “Sadie, this is Kane. He’ll be keeping an eye on you.”
She rolled her eyes. “You mean he’s my prison guard.” She wasn’t exactly wrong about that.
Dante ignored her. “I’m not sure if the twins informed you, but Brix will be taking your place at dawn.”
I nodded. “They did.”
“Good, good,” he said, clapping his hands together. Then he looked between me and Sadie expectantly.
I walked up to her with my hand extended. “Hi, I’m Kane.”
Sadie slapped my hand away and looked at me like I was insane. Honestly, I was starting to feel like I was.
“Alright,” Dante said, “Kane, why don’t you help get Sadie settled into her suite?” He unlocked the door and turned to me.
I attempted to grab Sadie’s arm to escort her, but she slapped my hands away again. “I can walk to my prison cell just fine, thanks!”
The look Dante gave me at Sadie’s reticence could only be described as devilish. He was clearly enjoying himself.
Once the three of us were back out in the hallway, Dante said in a soft voice, “Sadie, my dear, I hope you have a good night.”
If looks could kill, Dante would have been a dead man. But they couldn’t, so Sadie just looked pissed as hell while Dante simply smiled at her.
“This way,” I said, directing Sadie down the hallway. There were three suites at the other end of the hall, but we could only keep Sadie in one of them, the one without a balcony. The other two had large French doors that led out to a spacious balcony and, if a person was determined enough, they could get out. Or at least fall and break their neck in the process.
However, the suite Sadie would be staying in wasn’t exactly lacking in luxury. The bedroom was massive, practically the size of my entire apartment growing up. The bathroom was huge and had a large round tub to relax in, along with a walk-in closet.
It was definitely the nicest prison cell I’d ever seen.
When we reached the suite, I opened the door and ushered Sadie inside. Her eyes began darting around the room, probably looking for a way to get out. She wouldn’t find one. Even the windows in this suite were bolted shut.
“You know, Sadie, if you just listen to Dante, just do what he says, life will be a lot easier for you.”
She whipped around and glared at me. “I’m a human being. I’m not going to just bend to someone’s will because they want me to. Especially not for a smug asshole like him!” Sadie’s body shook hard as she spoke.
I knew she was right, that Dante couldn’t always get what he wanted. At least not right away. But he was a rich and powerful man, and a determined one at that. In most scenarios, that got him whatever he wanted, and it probably would now too.
I didn’t say any of that to Sadie. Instead, I just shook my head, closed the door behind me, and locked it. At the very least, she was going to need time to cool down.
Without anything to do as I stood in the hallway outside of Sadie’s door, my mind began to wander.
God, Sadie really was gorgeous. Now that I’d seen her, it didn’t surprise me at all that she was a successful model. She had the perfect body for it, long and willowy. And, despite her rage, her features were lovely. I bet she could rock anything they wanted her to wear.
Thinking about what clothes she wore while modeling made me start thinking about what her body would look like without clothes. A surprisingly round ass, flat stomach, toned thighs, and small round breasts. Thinking about Sadie naked made me want to run my hands and tongue over every single inch of her beautiful brown skin. I wanted to get my face between her thighs and make her cum on my tongue before I sunk my cock into her wet, warm, hole.
My cock semi-hard, I shifted uncomfortably in my jeans. I knew it wouldn’t do any good to fantasize about Sadie that way. The boss wanted her, so that was that. I just needed to keep my head on straight and do my job.
Sighing, I knew it was going to be a long night.
It probably shouldn’t have shocked me that Dante had found something he wanted at the fashion show he attended. He was often invited to high-class events, and typically found himself more than just a few articles to take home. That said, Dante didn’t often happen upon women who refused him. When the twins told me he had them legitimately go and take the woman he was interested in, I had a feeling we were in for a wild ride.
My footsteps echoed down the hallway that was bathed in silence. It didn’t surprise me. Dante didn’t skimp when it came to making sure that his security detail were both alert and stealthy, and certainly Kane was at the ready, and keeping his mouth shut. I glanced at myself in one of the long, hallway mirrors I passed on the way to the room. I didn’t think I needed to look my absolute best, but I didn’t like looking rough in any situation. I’d been called, rather suddenly, to go relieve my cohort at sunrise, as Dante needed his new pet of sorts watched around the clock.
I ran a hand across my buzzcut, dark brown hair, knowing that I’d need to have it touched up soon. The tribal tattoo that was wrapped around my right bicep just barely poked out from under the sleeve of my t-shirt. Normally, I wear suits almost exclusively, but I didn’t have time to go home and change when Dante called me. My dark green eyes were piercing and at the ready, though they just barely fit inside the frame of the mirror which
sat too low to take in my entire 6’1” form. I nodded my head and continued on my way; I looked fine enough, especially for Dante’s antics.
Maybe it was just because I worked hard for everything I had, but Dante’s spoiled brat behavior drove me a little crazy. Just because he laid eyes on some woman, he’d go to such lengths to make her his? God save anything else the man wanted. Still, Dante had also mentioned that the woman in question, Sadie, was something of a spitfire. He’d said so with a quip of amusement to his voice; Dante loved the chase. I rolled my eyes remembering the tone. If she was as wild as Dante said, the entire house was in for it.
I rounded the corner to the window-less suite I was told Sadie was in, and Kane was standing in front of the door, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and eyes wide as though he’d downed ten cups of coffee. “Hey,” I greeted.
Kane didn’t move, but merely glanced in my direction. “Hey.”
I nodded my head towards the door. “She as fiery as I’m told?” I planted myself across from Kane.
He nodded. “Oh, she’s quite the ‘free spirit.’ Hasn’t yielded to Dante one bit.”
I shrugged. “What does that mean, really? We all know that Dante always wins in the end.”
“Must be nice,” Kane retorted. He stood up straight, twisted his body to work out some kinks, and then handed over the key to the room. “Well, good luck.”
Kane wasn’t an easily frazzled man, so if he was wishing me good luck, he meant to warn that she was a complete handful. I took his place at the door, and settled into the same steeled resolve that Kane held before him. An hour passed, then two, then three, with no sound from inside the room, but finally, there was a light knock at the door.
“Hello?” a raspy voice called out from the other side. “Is someone out there?”
“Back up,” I called back.
There was a loud, exasperated sigh from the other side of the door, followed by a few, intentionally-loud-for-me-to-hear stomps. I took the key to the door from my pocket and opened the door, entering and being slapped in the face by a visage of pure sexiness. Her hair was up in an unkempt ponytail and her outfit was somewhat ragged, but she was still to die for. It took everything in me not to give in to my animal instincts.