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Five Mafia Captors’ Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 6

  She shook her head. “Black.”

  I smirked. I liked her. She was a tough little hellraiser, exactly my type. I filled her mug and handed it over and then filled my own. Normally, I would add a bit of cream and sugar, but I felt the need to call her hand, and drank it black as well. Tougher than I was used to, but it was still coffee, so I was fine.

  Sadie looked around the kitchen. “Why is it so clean around here? I want to clean something.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You want to clean?” What an odd thing to want to do in a home she was technically being held captive in.

  “Well, it’s clear I’m not going anywhere, and I don’t have any means of entertainment around here. I was at least hoping I could maybe clean or something.” She looked up at me. “Give me something to do around here.”

  A litany of lewd thoughts flew into my brain, but I pushed them away. “I’m sorry, this entire place is filled with staff that do everything that needs doing around here, but, if Dante is fine with you wandering the house, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me setting you up in the theater.” In the past Dante all out demanded that we never left his girlfriends bored. I imagine he would want it least of all with Sadie.

  Sadie’s eyes widened as she took a sip of her coffee. “There’s a theater?!”

  I chuckled. “Yeah. We’re cinephiles around here. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  I led her through the house to the theater in the basement. It was complete with a projector that made the entire wall a screen, and the overly-technological remote that controlled literally everything in the room. Sadie sat down in one of the big, plush recliners and I handed her the remote.

  “It looks more overwhelming than it is. Choose between movies and TV here. If there’s something you want to watch that you can’t find, just press this button and say it.” I pressed the search button. “Holiday movies.” Thanksgiving and Christmas were just around the corner, and the selection seemed pertinent. The screen flickered to life against the wall and then navigated to a screen that listed all of the holiday movies any cable channel or streaming service would have available. “We have access to cable’s full selection and any streaming service out there, so if it exists, you can watch it.”

  “Whoa,” Sadie murmured. She looked up at me and smiled and it felt like being cold-clocked in the face. “Thank you.”

  I took a step back to keep myself at a safe distance from her. “Of course.” Her face turned sad again and I didn’t like it. “What?”

  “Oh, sorry,” she began. “I started to think about how much my sister would love this, and then it made me think that I’m certain she’s been blowing my phone up, my mom too probably. I’m sure they’re worried sick. I just wish I could tell them I was okay.”

  I might get in trouble, but looking at how upset she looked, I felt compelled to be honest with her. “I do know where your phone is.”

  She whipped around in the chair and looked up at me, hope restored in her gorgeous, cocoa eyes. “Really?”

  I held up my hands to calm her. “Yes, but I still have to get permission to give it to you.”

  She deflated a little, but not entirely. “Can I just make one call? Just one, to let my sister know I’m okay? You can sit here the whole time.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t do anything without asking Dante first, and after the night he had last night, I won’t be able to ask him until this evening.” She looked at me with desperation and I could feel my resistance to her puppy-dog face waning. “I’ll do the best I can, but if I mess up and Dante pulls me from your detail…”

  She threw herself into a slump in the chair, crossing her arms and pouting. “Yeah, you’ve been the nicest to me so far.” She side-glanced at me. “I’ll be patient. Thank you.”

  I nodded and left before I got myself into any trouble I couldn’t get myself out of. Throughout the day, Sadie helped herself to the entertainment system, watching a variety of trashy movies and T.V., the kind someone watches when they need an escape. I brought her breakfast, lunch, and any snacks she required, as I was ordered to. She was impressed with the caliber of the food, more and more each time I brought something new in. She told me that it was like she was eating at a five-star restaurant. She still didn’t want to eat the food when I brought it to her at first, concerned that it may contain something, but I assured her that it didn’t. Dante had no reason to drug her or kill her. I didn’t know if it was because she trusted me more, or because she trusted Dante more, but it didn’t take much convincing and eventually she started eating.

  When I brought her lunch, I decided to hang out and eat with her. Just because we weren’t allowed to touch her didn’t mean we shouldn’t be spending time with her to at least make sure she was enjoying herself. That was the protocol. Besides, if it helped her grow some trust in Dante and in me and the other guys, that could only benefit everyone.

  “So, tell me more about you,” Sadie said finally.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I know Dante had you look up all sorts of information on me,” Sadie said, and she wasn’t wrong. “It’s only fair that I know a little more about you.”

  In a world where everyone was always concerned about the next guy over, it was nice to have her interested in me. “Well, I had a pretty normal upbringing. We didn’t have much, but we made it work. College is when things really started to change for me. I got a full-ride scholarship to Berkley on a basketball. I was being scouted from all over the place, and probably could have gone pro, but I declared a major in business and ended up loving it. I decided to forgo basketball and use my degree to become a businessman.”

  “Mm, exciting,” Sadie said, sarcasm thick in her voice. I glared at her and she giggled. “I’m joking, but still, you’re security detail for Dante. I highly doubt he required a business degree for that.”

  She had me there. “I applied at one of Dante’s hotels for a managerial position, but Dante decided to take me on as security instead.”

  “Why’d you agree?” Sadie asked.

  I’d considered that multiple times in the past few years. “Dante seemed like a man I should trust. I’m glad I did.”

  “Are you trying to sell him to me?” Sadie asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “No, I’m being serious. What I said, I meant. Deciding to trust Dante is one of the best decisions I ever made,” I raised my eyebrows back, “and I would highly recommend everyone else do the same.”

  I could tell in the expression on her face that she was considering my words carefully. If she really did decide to trust Dante, it could be beneficial for more people than just her. Not long after that, Dante came home. I found him in his room, knowing he would want a report on the day’s goings-on.

  “How was she?” he asked as soon as he felt my presence in the room.

  “Perfectly pleasant,” I replied. “She’s getting more comfortable.”

  Dante took off his suit jacket and tie. “That’s good. Can you send her up?”

  “Yeah.” I hesitated for long enough and Dante picked up on it. He turned on his heel and his eyes bore into me. I shook my head. “No, nothing happened. Just… she wants to contact her family. Not to tell them about us or anything, just to let them know she’s okay. She said we can supervise the call. I honestly think it’ll be better for all of us.”

  Dante relaxed a bit. He crossed his arms and nodded. “When you bring her up, bring her phone.”

  I nodded. “Yes, boss.”

  I collected Sadie, telling her it would be in her best interest to thank Dante for his grace, because it would be. She promised that she would be gracious, but even with her calming down, I still had to pull her phone out of reach a few times when she tried to snatch it. I brought Sadie into Dante’s room, gave her the phone with him present. She turned it on right away and Dante nodded at me to look over her shoulder.

  I watched as the phone went crazy, with over a hundred texts and missed calls rolling in, all of them filled
with concern for where she was. She opened up a text from her sister and the entire feed was non-stop texts with her sister wondering where she was, telling her she was scared, and threatening to call the police.

  “Did she call?” I asked, making eye contact with Dante.

  “I don’t think so,” Sadie replied. “She would have said that. I’ll text her now.”

  She sent a message to her saying, ‘Hey, sorry for the scare. I just needed a couple of days to myself. I’m going to be staying with a friend for a little bit. I’ll keep in touch from now on, I promise. You didn’t call the police, did you, you spaz?’ A few moments later a text came back that said, ‘Damn near. You scared the hell out of us. You need to call your mother, immediately. What’s the word? I need to hear your voice. Call me so I can make sure it’s you.’

  I was taken aback by the last phrase. “What does that mean? ‘What’s the word?’” I asked and Dante looked concerned.

  “It’s a rule my mom set up for us a long time ago. She made us make a safe word, and if anyone ever came to pick us up from school and couldn’t tell us our word, we wouldn’t leave with them. As we got older, we continued to use it. Whenever one of us thought the other one was in trouble, we would say the word to assure each other that we were okay,” Sadie explained. “She wants me to call so she can make sure it’s me.”

  “That’s fine,” Dante said.

  Sadie pressed the call button on the screen and sat in silence for a moment. After a few rings, I heard the line pick up. “Tangelo,” Sadie said without waiting for a greeting. I could hear the voice on the other end chattering with discontent. “I know, I’m sorry. I can’t talk long, but I didn’t want you to worry any more than you already have.” Sadie went quiet again and then she started giggling.

  “Please do your best to call them and convince them to call it off. I’m more than fine.” Sadie sighed and nodded and Dante and I relaxed a bit. “I love you too, bye.” She hung up the phone and then held it out to me to take back. “Thank you. I feel much better now.”

  I looked up at Dante and met his eyes and he nodded back at me. I pushed Sadie’s phone back to her. She whipped her head around and looked at Dante and he smiled and nodded. Her expression towards him softened.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Of course,” Dante replied. She looked back at me and mouthed ‘thank you’ and I nodded. “You can go, Kane,” Dante cut in.

  “Yes, sir. Goodnight, Sadie,” I replied.

  Sadie smiled, looking the most comfortable she had since I met her. “Goodnight,” she replied.


  I’d been living with Dante and his family for about three weeks, and it wasn’t nearly as horrible as I might have expected it to be. In truth, the worst thing about being there was that I was horribly bored. Dante had eased up with how much I was allowed to use my phone without supervision, so I could play games and stay checked in, but I could only play Bubble Blaster for so long. Dante did take me out for a night on the town, but aside from that, I was in the house, typically with someone watching over me, whether closely, or from a distance.

  Dante. He was an interesting man. The more time I spent with him, the more I grew to like him. He had some undeniably desirable qualities. He was the most dedicated person I’d ever met, his family values were out of control, and he had a dry humor that was hilarious when he let it out. Of course, there were things about him that I wasn’t crazy about. He was stubborn, cocky, and a bit of a smart-aleck. He was a huge brat when he didn’t get his way, and treated everything in life like it was his way or the highway. That aside, even when he was displaying his worst qualities, I found myself drawn to him. It helped that he was handsome, not even just that, he was downright sexy. If I’d come across a man like him in any situation other than how I had, I would have dated him with no questions.

  The only one hanging around the house besides me, was Kane. I was shocked to learn that Dante had a home in Chicago as well, and Brix was away to prepare it. For what, I wasn’t sure. I’d heard how Kane, Apollo, and Asher had come to Dante and was curious how Brix ended up with him? Was there a family thing like there was with the twins, or was it a pure trust thing like Kane?

  The twins and Dante were all out on business and Kane was on ‘Sadie Duty.’ Even Kane had work he was attending to, and wasn’t catering to me as much as he had in the past. For all intents and purposes, I was on my own. Finally, I decided that I wanted to take the first overly relaxing bubble bath I’d had in weeks. The house was so luxurious, it seemed like I should take advantage of it. In fact, I should take advantage of the nicest bath in the house. Dante’s personal bath. It was twice as big as any other bath in the house, and Dante all out demanded that I be in his room most of the time anyway, why not take those directions to the max?

  I ran the water, dropped in some bubble bath and oils, stripped off my clothes, and climbed in. It was so delightful. The water seemed to wash away all the tension in my body, and before I knew it, I’d let my head drop back and had drifted to sleep. I started to dream of being on the runway again, spending time with my family, and being back in college, but when my brain took me to images of having someone else’s body next to mine, the feeling felt a little too real. I lifted my head, opened my eyes, and was shocked. Dante was entirely naked, and sitting in the bath across from me, his legs intertwining with mine. In spite of my initial shock, I was immediately turned on. The water accentuated his severe muscles and he had his hair slicked back over his head and entirely out of his face. It was hot.

  He smiled at me, and I didn’t feel the need to cover myself oddly enough. “I’m gonna have to charge you for using my personal tub when you have your own. No one has been in here but me.”

  I could feel a side of me developing that I hadn’t experienced before. I wanted to flirt back with him. I wanted to play along. I tilted my head to the side. “Oh, and what would the penalty fee be?” I asked.

  Dante raised an eyebrow and then leaned forward, grabbed my face and pulled it to his to kiss. His lips were fire hot against mine, and despite part of me screaming to pull away and not give in to him, much more of me was screaming to give in. His tongue licked out and slid along my bottom lip, and my natural instincts kicked in, pulling my lips apart so he could slip it inside. Dante slid his hand from around my head, down over my shoulder, and eventually over my exposed breasts. No one had touched me there before, and a jolt of electricity shot through me as his fingers danced over my nipples.

  It felt like he was testing the waters. As I craned my back to push my body against his, he smiled against my lips and pulled away. He kissed my cheeks, down my chin, and found a spot on my neck to settle and suck as his hand slid even further downward. I held my breath as it moved between my legs and started to poke at my most intimate parts down below. I’d reached the threshold and had a decision to make. I could close my legs and let him know I wasn’t there yet, or continue to give in to him and let him have his way.

  He moved his other hand up to continue teasing my breasts and the pleasure won over. I pulled my legs away from one another and his hand dropped down entirely, sliding between my lips and along my clit. I was embarrassed at the noises that escaped my lips as he pleasured me, and all I could think was that I wanted more.

  Dante lifted his head and looked down into my eyes, continuing to tease me below. “I want you in my bed,” he huffed at me.

  My hazed brain and heated body couldn’t think of anything it wanted more. I nodded and Dante didn’t hesitate. He climbed out of the bath, lifted me out, and we made our way for his bed.


  I set Sadie down in my bed, despite our dripping, wet bodies soaking the sheets. They could be replaced, I wasn’t about to let the moment I’d been after for over three weeks pass by. I wanted to take my time with her. I knew she was a virgin, and I didn’t want her first experience to be unpleasurable, if anything, I wanted her to know how delightful the world of sex could be. I found dif
ferent places on her chest, breasts, and stomach to leave dark marks behind as I trailed my way downwards. It was no shock that a woman aiming to lose her virginity should be well lubricated down below, and there were tons of ways to accomplish that in a way that I’m sure Sadie would enjoy.

  When I got to her legs, I parted them, even taking some time to kiss and bite along her supple, tan thighs. Then I ducked my head between them, pushed out my tongue and licked over her clit. I alternated between sucking, and licking her sweet spot, listening as she tried to hold in her moans of pleasure.

  “Let it out, beautiful,” I told her. “Give in.”

  Something about my voice released her from her cage because she moaned louder as I returned to her sweet vagina to take more of my fill. I slithered my tongue down to her untouched hole and started to lick over it, the hyper-sensitivity of having someone lick over a place no one had been before had her bucking against my face as she experienced her first not self-induced, orgasm.

  “That…” She whined, unable to finish her sentence. “Dante.”

  I smiled. That was what I wanted. I wanted her to cry out my name many more times. I started to lick and suck her more earnestly, dipping my tongue just past the opening to her pure hole. She whimpered and I slid a hand up to squeeze her breasts and flick against her nipples. She writhed beneath me and as I teased her body all over, she came again, drenching my face in her liquids.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I moved my way back up her body, placing my rock hard cock against her pussy, ready to take it for myself for the first time. I loved the way she pulled her body against me, in search of even more closeness. In the past, I would be chomping at the bit to fuck a girl into oblivion, but I didn’t want to do that with Sadie. I wanted to enjoy every part of her, slowly, so I could memorize her.

  “Dante,” Sadie whimpered.

  I put my lips near her ear. “Do you want me?” I asked. I was a tease at heart, but that wasn’t why I was asking her. I wanted to make sure she was ready.