Five Mafia Captors’ Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance
Five Mafia Captors’ Virgin
A Reverse Harem Romance
Nicole Casey
© Copyright 2019 by Nicole Casey - All rights reserved.
Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronically, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the proper written permission of the copyright owner, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.
Love by Numbers
- A Reverse Harem Romance Series
2 Billionaires in Vegas
3 Bosses’ Assistant
4 Ranchers’ Bride
5 Mafia Captors’ Virgin
6 Single Dads’ Nanny
…to be continued
1. Sadie
2. Dante
3. Apollo
4. Sadie
5. Dante
6. Kane
7. Brix
8. Sadie
9. Dante
10. Brix
11. Sadie
12. Dante
13. Kane
14. Sadie
15. Dante
16. Apollo
17. Kane
18. Dante
19. Brix
20. Sadie
21. Apollo
22. Sadie
23. Asher
24. Dante
Author’s Note
While you’re waiting for the next book, have you read this one?
1. Sasha
2. Sasha
3. Sasha
4. Sasha
5. Sasha
6. Dan
Also By Nicole Casey
About the Author
As always, I looked amazing. Everyone on the hair and makeup team was damned good at their job. After securing the knot on the black silk beach cover, I turned to a large mirror to make sure I hadn’t messed up any of their hard work.
Cat eyes made my dark eyes smolder and burgundy lipstick both made my lips kissable and edgy. The shimmering highlighter they applied made my golden brown skin glow, giving me an ethereal look, complimented by my big golden curls.
Yeah, I looked good, but I didn’t look like me.
I sighed, feeling tired all of a sudden. All I wanted to do was put on a pair of sweatpants and curl up on my couch. I’d been up all day and, because of the show, I was guaranteed a long night as well.
Glancing at a clock the Ballroom had graciously set up for us backstage, I saw that it was nearly 9 p.m. Time for me to take my place in line.
I lined up behind a pretty redhead and tried to put myself in that headspace I needed before I could confidently step out on the runway and put on a show. After years of modeling, getting into the blank place in my mind was automatic and almost felt comforting.
I felt a little less reticent given that I was about to walk in a charity show. Each year, the Las Vegas Venetian Resort Ballroom was transformed into a glamorous extravaganza. The richest of the rich from all over the world turned up, ready to show off just how much money they had. Then they went home, patting themselves on the back for helping out the less fortunate.
The soothing classical music faded out and a few people spoke on stage. It was too muffled for me to understand, but they didn’t talk long and returned backstage. The music changed to something a bit more upbeat and the first woman stepped onto the runway.
It wasn’t long before it was my turn. Before I stepped out from the concealment of the curtain, I took a deep breath. Then I raised my chin, put on coy expression that I was known for, and stepped out onto the stage.
I stomped down the runway, my hips swaying with each step. The black silk dress I wore picked up the wind and flared around my knees, creating the perfect amount of movement.
I was about halfway down the long runway when I saw him, the man who would end up changing my life forever.
He was in the front row, wearing a black tux and sipping a glass of wine. When he lowered his glass, I could see his strong, square jaw with a hint of dark stubble coming through his tanned skin. His eyes were the most wonderful shade of amber, framed by dark eyebrows. The man had thick black hair and for just a moment, I wondered what it would be like to run my fingers through it.
We locked eyes and, as clichéd as it sounds, my breath caught. His gaze was intense and shot through me like a bullet.
My eyes still on him, my hands went to the knot on the side of my silk dress and I pull the string. The two halves of the dress fell open, revealing the black bikini I had on underneath.
His eyes swept down my body and, just as his eyes locked again with mine, I was too far down the runway to see him any longer.
When I reached the end of the runway, I slid the thin straps of the dress down over my shoulders and let the audience get a full look at the designer bikini that cost more than my mortgage. I did a few quick poses, showing off the swimsuit, and took off back down the catwalk.
I saw that the man was still watching me. The closer I got to him, the harder it was for me to concentrate. Eventually, I just had to rip my gaze from him and keep walking.
By the time I returned backstage, I was breathing hard.
Who was that man? And how had he managed to make me feel so disarmed in just a few seconds?
I shook my head. It didn’t matter because I was never going to see him again anyway. He was just a face in the crowd, and I was sure that’s all he would remain.
I walked the runway two more times, experiencing that intense feeling yet again. By the time it was time for all the models to walk the runway together, I was shaking, forcing myself to keep my head forward.
The show ended and I dashed off to the dressing room, chatting with a few of the other women about the show. Many of them were younger than me and were still so excited about the job. Sitting at the vanity as I took off my makeup, I dwelled on the fact that modeling hadn’t given me as much joy as it once did.
Once, each runway show left me high on adrenalin for hours, but now? I just felt stuck. Lonely.
I knew most of the world saw models as dumb and shallow, but I’d met some really cool people during my time as a model. Having friends was great, but I longed to meet a great guy. I wanted to meet someone smart and funny and charming and, well, handsome. But most of all, I wanted to fall in love. That’s what I’d been saving myself for after all, to give even the most intimate parts of myself, for the first time, to a man that I love, who loves me in return.
I’d been tossing around the idea of taking a break from modeling for a while now. In college, I got my BA in dance and considered doing something with that. When I visited my parents the other day, I’d thought about mentioning it to them to see what they thought about it. But I didn’t. I needed the money and, for now, modeling paid my bills.
So often, I was jet-setting across the country or to Europe or Japan for fashion shows. At first, traveling all the time had been exciting, but the longer I stayed in the business, the more it felt like a chore. I wanted to have the chance to do what I wanted for once, to enjoy my life.
It seemed that the more I became dissatisfied with my life, the more my fantasies grew. My sexual fantasies, that is. Whenever I had a spare minute, my thoughts would drift off to sex, to being
dominated by more than one man in bed.
When I looked it up on the internet, I saw that it was commonly called reverse harem, something that didn’t mean too much to me at first, but soon came to overtake my thoughts. I began buying ebooks featuring stories of a woman and her multiple lovers, finding the entire concept thrilling. Sure, I wanted to fall in love, but how incredible would it be to have more than one man worship my mind and body?
Learning from my sister Jada that she had four boyfriends at the new ranch she worked at only made me dwell on it more. When I asked her about it, she’d confessed to me that the sex was better than anything she’d ever experienced before. Jada said that it was so overwhelming and satisfying and all-encompassing that she didn’t have the time to process anything beyond the four sets of hands touching her and four mouths kissing her. Four cocks to please.
Despite myself, I was jealous of Jada. I was ecstatic that she was happy and finally had a good sex life, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to experience it for myself.
During my downtime at work, I read the reverse harem ebooks on my phone, doing my best to school my face into a mask of total passiveness. When I got home each night, I’d do more research, some of which meant reading with my hand buried between my legs as I read. But my other research involved reading through websites where men offered their, um, services. I would scroll through their profiles, reading their fantasies and what they could offer a woman and would imagine them doing it all to me.
More than once, I was so close to sending a message. I’d even typed everything I wanted from them out, but could never bring myself to send it. It was becoming a vicious cycle. The more I wanted to have the experience of being with so many men at once, the more that I feared it.
My own cowardice was really starting to annoy me. Maybe I just needed to get laid the good old fashioned way.
April, my manager, tapped me on my shoulder. I jumped, lost in my thoughts. “Sorry!” she quickly said. “I didn’t mean to scare you, Sadie.”
I smiled at her and willed my heart to stop thumping so hard. “That’s okay. What’s up?”
April’s light brown eyes grew apologetic. “Were you planning to go out and meet tonight’s patrons?”
I shook my head. “Not tonight. I’m exhausted and really need to get some sleep.”
“Well,” April began, frowning, “there’s a man out there who would really like to meet you.”
My mind briefly went to the gorgeous gentleman I’d locked eyes with on the runway. But there was no way it could be him. Whoever wanted to meet me was probably some perv in his sixties who wanted a twenty-something model girlfriend. Barf.
“Are you sure you don’t want to?” April asked. “This guy was really insistent.”
“I’m sure,” I replied. “All I can think of right now is crawling into bed and not waking up for at least ten hours.”
April smiled. “I hear that! Alright, I’ll go let him know.”
“Thanks, April, you’re the best.”
I quickly got dressed and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. After slipping my bag over my shoulder, I was out of there. I made my way out of the dressing room and into the lobby. I could feel more than a few sets of eyes on me, I typically did whenever I left a show. I sifted through the people, and couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being followed. I looked over my shoulder, but I must have just been tired, because there was no one there. I continued to make my way for the door, but then it felt like some was staring a little harder than they should be. I looked up, and for a quick second I locked eyes with a pair of light blue eyes, but they darted away the moment I found them. I tried to push the feeling away, but someone was definitely paying more attention to me than they should be.
She was mesmerizing. All long legs and lithe body. Her breasts weren’t large, but they more than filled out the bikini top she wore. They looked firm with youth and yet soft to the touch. Her stomach was taut and gave way to sharp hip bones, rounded hips, and smooth thighs. And when she turned around? Well, that ass of hers just looked as if it needed my large hands on it.
This woman was far more beautiful than any other woman I’d seen before. That was saying something considering I’d bedded some of the most glamorous women around the world.
When this mystery woman and I first locked eyes, it was like getting struck by a bolt of Zeus’ lightning, the sensation shooting straight through my body and down to my cock. I couldn’t believe how hard I grew simply from a shared look. In my defense, it was a very intense, longing look. I felt more during that one simple look than I’d felt in ages, in years.
Now that I’d had a small taste of what could be, I needed more.
When the show ended and everyone stood, I turned my cousin sitting next to me. “Apollo, I need a favor from you,” I began.
Anyone else would look alarmed, but not Apollo. He merely grinned and said, “Whatever you need, cuz.”
* * *
While I waited for Apollo to return, I chatted with a gay couple I’d seen more than once at these types of events. They made a pretty penny in the fashion industry together and, as always, I filed away everything they told me in the off chance the knowledge would someday grow to be useful.
I was fairly sure at least one of the men was smitten with me, if not both, and that too could prove useful if I ever needed them for something in my line of work.
I saw Apollo approaching without the woman I’d sent him to retrieve and felt mouth tightened for the briefest second before I turned to the couple. “Apologies, gentlemen, but my associate has returned and it’s important I have a chat with him.”
One of the men looked crestfallen while the other grabbed his husband’s hand and said, “As always, Dante, it was a pleasure to see you again.”
Murmuring similar sentiments, I headed to Apollo.
As a waitress passed, he snatched a glass of wine from the tray and tipped his glass at her. The waitress blushed something fierce and scurried. A bodyguard looked far less threatening with a glass of wine in hand and could easily be mistaken as another patron.
“Incorrigible flirt,” I chided him. We fell into step with each other, heading off to the side of the room.
Apollo smirked at me. “I didn’t even say anything!”
“We both know it’s possible to do more to someone with a look than mere words,” I retorted.
He shrugged his broad shoulders and then sipped his wine. Neither my cousin nor his twin brother Asher shared the dark hair, eyes, and Mediterranean skin tone of our fathers the way I did. With their light blue eyes and sandy blond hair, they took after their mother.
“Yeah, I suppose,” he said.
“I notice Ms. Hartville didn’t return with you,” I said pointedly. “Will she be joining us soon?”
Apollo rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “She won’t be. Her manager said she was too tired for visitors tonight.”
“Hm,” I said, pursing my lips and then taking a sip of my wine.
I wasn’t used to getting turned down, not by anyone. It odd feeling and not one I liked very much.
Still, I couldn’t help but be a bit impressed by Sadie Hartville. She was both beautiful and bold. But that didn’t mean I would be deterred by her rebuff. Not by a long shot.
I would have her whether she knew it yet or not. And I would teach her some respect while I’m at it, preferably while she was naked and tied up to my bed, wearing a blindfold with that plump ass of her raised in the air. I could just picture myself behind her, still fully dressed in my usual dark suit. Her lovely golden brown ass would be red from my hand and her moans would fill the room each time my hand connected with her skin.
The rest of the evening passed without event. Frankly, I was bored and even Apollo’s typically entertaining running commentary failed to amuse me. Models and a few of the other wealthy women who thought themselves important attempting to engage me in conversation, but soon grew disa
ppointed when they discovered that I wasn’t interested.
Apollo was a bit more accommodating, gently letting them down with one of his winning smiles. Ladies loved him but apparently he didn’t have quite enough prestige to be worthy of his attention. That made me dislike them all the more. Apollo may not have been the CEO of Marcello Inc. like I was, but he wasn’t a nobody by any means. He and Asher were my captains, ancillary to the family business. If women couldn’t see my cousin’s worth, they damn well didn’t deserve him.
After the second or third woman that had tried to engage me in conversation, my mind sought relief. I knew being outright rude to any of the women wouldn’t do me any favors in my line of work given I liked to keep all options open to potentially take advantage of in the future.
No, my mind remained with Sadie Hartville, my temptress. I couldn’t stop myself from imagining myself grabbing a knee in each hand and yanking them apart. I would line my cock up to her wet, waiting pussy and push my way inside, filling her, making her full in a single thrust. Sadie would throw her head back into the pillow and scream her pleasure. Her legs would wrap around my waist and her nails would claw down my back as I pounded into her.
The only thing that could make my fantasy any better would be if I watched my men—Apollo, Asher, and my two bodyguards Kane and Brix—fuck her first. Watching them with her would make me squirm and my need built. But, when I finally had her, when it was finally my turn, the wait would have been worth it.