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Five Mafia Captors’ Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 2

  In the past, I’d met women who had managed to resist my charms for a time. However, I’d found my money and prestige were powerful motivators. Once I planted that seed of interest, they always came around and I would get what I wanted. And the women? Well, they got to experience pleasure beyond their wildest dreams, made to cum over and over as we all took our turn.

  In my line of work, it was much easier to share a woman with my men. I had a lot of enemies and it became safer for her. Everyone knew that the best way to get to a man is through his family, something I would never risk. Having five boyfriends meant my love would always have someone with her, someone to defend her. Not that I thought women were unable to protect themselves. I knew they were, I made sure of it. But I would never risk the life of the woman I loved, not ever.

  Besides, I had to go away for business a lot and couldn’t always take a girlfriend with me. At least one of my men could stay home with her and keep her satisfied, something that made me happy to know while I traveled.

  I found myself glancing at my watch yet again. The evening was dragging at a snail’s pace, and it was driving me insane. I wanted to get out of there.

  When enough time had passed that Apollo and I could politely leave, we did so. We were just turning out of the parking lot when I spoke.

  “I need you to do something else for me,” I said, looking out the window. I had emails to answer and could have done that during the ride, but at the moment, I wasn’t concerned by that.

  “What’s that?” he asked. I wondered if he had some inkling of what I was thinking.

  “I need you to find out where Ms. Sadie Hartville lives. I think it’s time we pay her a visit.”


  I can’t say that I didn’t see that coming because I totally did. I’d been sitting next to Dante during the fashion show and saw the way his entire demeanor changed when Sadie walked onto the stage. His body became rigid, almost like he was a soldier at attention. It happened every single time she walked onto the stage, his eyes watching her like a hawk.

  There was also the fact that he had a giant boner the entire time too.

  I won’t lie, I found Dante’s instantaneous obsession with her a little weird. He didn’t even know her. Sure, she was gorgeous, but she also could have been a giant pain in the ass. Too many people were, and that included the beautiful people of the world. Sometimes it was the beautiful people who were the biggest pains of all.

  But my cousin signed my paychecks, so I wasn’t about to argue with him. Besides, maybe having a new woman in his life would make Dante lighten up a little. I loved him, but he was an intense guy.

  When we got back to our hotel suite, we found my identical, twin brother lounging on the couch in his sweatpants. I heard the telltale music of that stupid game he liked to place and rolled my eyes. Whether he’d admit or not (he definitely wouldn’t), Asher could be a huge dork sometimes. Still, I liked having him with me, especially when we went out on the town. The twin thing just worked when it came to picking up women, and it was even better when we could find a woman who was willing to take us both on at the same time.

  “Hey,” Asher said, sitting up to make room for us.

  Dante ignored his greeting and, without preamble, said, “Get dressed. I have work for you.”

  Asher raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment. He stood and walked off to his room to put his clothes back on.

  I snatched my laptop from the coffee table and started it up. With the technology Dante provided us with, it didn’t take long to find her. I discovered that Sadie had an equally gorgeous sister who worked as a veterinarian. That was mighty interesting.

  “Found her,” I said, memorizing her address.

  “Good,” Dante said. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. He usually avoided crossing his arms while wearing a suit because it made wrinkles in his clothes. That's how I knew he was distracted.

  While we waited for Asher to emerge, I turned to my cousin and asked, "So what's the plan, boss?"

  He looked startled, clearly lost in his thoughts. Clearing his throat, he said, "You and your brother are going to Ms. Hartville's residence and are going to persuade her to accompany you back here."

  Ugh, of course that's what he wanted us to do. I just knew this was not going to go well. Shit like this never did.

  "And if she refuses?" I asked. Because Sadie was totally going to refuse.

  A dark look crossed Dante's face. "Then you will use any means necessary to bring her back with you."

  Inwardly, I groaned. You didn't say no to a guy like Dante no matter who you were to him. At least you didn't say no to him twice, not if you wanted to keep your fingers and toes.

  Great. This was just great.

  * * *

  We parked the car right outside Sadie's brownstone. When things went South like I knew they would, we needed to be able to get her into our car as quickly and quietly as possible. We couldn't risk her neighbors seeing and calling the cops on us because it would make everything all the more difficult for us.

  I knew Sadie Hartville was a pretty prominent gal in the modeling community, so I wouldn't have expected her to live in a brownstone in this part of town. A condo seemed more fitting for someone of her caliber, but what did I know? Maybe she didn't like sharing walls with her neighbors.

  "Well, this is it," Asher said, scoping out the layout of the house.

  At this time of night, Sadie was probably in her bedroom. There only appeared to be one light on inside the house, indicating her bedroom was on the left and the living room was on the right. Bedrooms and bathrooms were places someone could lock themselves in. If she managed to get into one of them, we'd have to break the door down, making enough noise that the neighbors might hear it. In my experience, most people kept their guns in their bedroom so if she made it into her room, she could bring a gun into the mix.

  I really didn't want to get shot just so Dante could try to get his rocks off.

  Maybe I was overanalyzing everything and Sadie would come with us, but I've found you could never be too prepared in these situations. I'd even checked her social media to see if she had a boyfriend who'd cause trouble for us, but I didn't see any evidence of one. Thank God.

  "I really don't wanna do this, Ash," I whined.

  My brother looked at me and gave me a wet smile. "Let's just hope it goes better than we both think it will and get it over with."

  "Roger," I said, opening my door and getting out of the car.

  I waited for Asher to round the car and together, we walked to the front door.

  Asher curled his hand into a fist and knocked.

  It took a few moments before we heard the lock turn. The door opened, revealing Sadie. She wore yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt, her hair curly and falling around her shoulders. Sadie's face was free of any makeup and I thought she looked a lot hotter than her overdone look from the show.

  Sadie frowned when she saw us, looking between us like she was trying to figure out who we were.

  "Hi," she said with uncertainty. "Do we know each other?"

  I shook my head. "No, Ms. Hartville, we've never met. My brother and I are here on behalf of Mr. Marcello. He would like to speak with you since you declined his invitation earlier this evening."

  Her frown deepened. "I don't know a Mr. Marcello," she said. "Besides, my agent never even told me who wanted to talk to me."

  "Okay," Asher said. It was probably better if I let him do the talking since he was the far more reasonable twin. "That's okay. Mr. Marcello would like to extend an invitation that you join him at his home. He'd very much like to meet you."

  For the first time, I saw a hint of anger dash across Sadie's face. "Why didn't he ask me to lunch then? I just finished up a long-ass show, it's late, and I just want to go to bed."

  Asher began to speak, but I cut him off. "Mr. Marcello insists that you come with us."

  "Like hell I'm going with you," she said, her voice rising. "I d
on't even know you."

  "He insists," I repeated.

  Sadie narrowed her eyes at me. "Is Mr. Marcello some kind of psycho?" she asked snidely. "If best sending his two goons after me, he must be."

  "Ms. Hartville," Asher said. "Sadie, please, just come with us."

  Her menacing gaze shot over to Asher. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

  "Dante Marcello isn't a man you want to cross," Asher said. "It's in your best interest to comply."

  "In my best interest," Sadie muttered to herself. "You know what? You two can get the fuck off my property."

  And with that, Sadie slammed the door in our faces.

  Asher sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "For once, can't someone just do things the easy way?" he asked. "Just once."

  "Bro, I wish," I replied.

  Then Asher reared back and kicked down the door.


  I was halfway through the living room when I heard a loud boom behind me. I shouldn’t have turned around, which was ultimately my downfall. But it was human nature to automatically turn toward a noise, so I guess I couldn’t blame myself too much.

  I watched my front door bounce off the wall, revealing the two asshole twins, lackeys to some apparent big shot named Dante Marcello.

  Whipping around, I attempted to run. If I could make it to my room, I could lock myself inside and maybe escape through the window before they broke the door down. Sure, it was a long shot, but I didn’t have many options.

  Sadly, I wasn’t fast enough. Sure, I kept in shape, but I didn’t have long monkey arms like whichever twin grabbed my arm and yanked me back. My phone fell from my hoodie pocket and I slammed into his chest, bouncing off him. He never let go of my arm, his grip tight enough that it would likely leave finger-shaped bruises.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw the other twin snatch my phone from the ground. Shit.

  I tried to recall the self-defense class I took back when I was 18, but I drew a blank. I knew there were ways I could break from his hold, but my brain stubbornly refused to remember them when I needed it most.

  The man had an irritated expression on his face and said, “Look, there are two ways this can go down, Sadie. Either you come along quietly or we make you come with us. We’re both highly trained, so you’re not going to get very far.”

  Quickly weighing my options, I decided that there was no way in hell I was going to come along quietly. I didn’t care if they both had a few inches on me and at least a hundred pounds. I was a fighter, and that’s exactly what I planned to do.

  I pulled my arm back and hit him in the eye as hard as I could, leaving my thumb untucked just the way my mom taught me and Jada.

  My hand hurt like hell, but the surprise on his face was totally worth it. The impact caused him to rear back, dragging me along with him.

  He looked incredulous and nodded to his brother, who grabbed my other arm before wrapping his arms around me from behind. The twin I’d punched let go of my arm and tried to grab my legs. I kicked at him, hoping I could get him in the face.

  If I couldn’t escape, I was going to do as much damage as I possibly could.

  My feet connected with him a few times, once in the chest and once on his arm. However, in the end, he was able to get his hands around my ankles. I continued to struggle as hard as I could, but they were strong and able to get ahold of me.

  The twin holding onto the top half of my body laughed and said, “You know, you’re quite the fighter, Sadie. I think I like you.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” I spat. That just made him laugh harder.

  They carried me outside and the twin holding my feet said, “If you scream, things will get very bad for you.”

  I almost screamed just to spite him. I really wanted to, but at the same time, I had no idea what they’d do to me if I did. The rational part of my brain started to take over, bypassing the adrenaline rush. I needed to protect myself, stay alive, meet their stupid boss, and maybe they’d let me go if I didn’t cause too much trouble.

  Besides, if I did scream and draw out my neighbors, what were they going to do? Did I expect Mrs. Parker to try and stop them? She was almost ninety. I wouldn’t let anyone get hurt because of me.

  When we got to the car, the twin I’d decked dropped one of my legs and opened the door. The two of them slung me inside and slammed the door shut. They both got into the car and then we were driving down the road, turning off my street at the stop sign.

  I waited until we were in a busier part of town, somewhere that there would be witnesses everywhere, and tried to open the door. It was locked.

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” one of them said. The passenger, Twin One.


  We sat in silence for a few minutes before I poked Twin One in the back of the head. “What kind of man sends his goons to kidnap someone he saw once at a fashion show?”

  The driver, Twin Two, sighed like he was over it. He said, “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  I poked Twin One in the back of the head again.

  “Ow!” he yelped, grabbing the back of his head and turning around in his seat. “Cut that shit out. And put your seatbelt on.”

  Rolling my eyes, I sat back and acquiesced.

  Looking out the window with my arms crossed over my chest, I mumbled, “He must be some kind of perv.”

  Twin One chuckled, but then said, “Yeah, I wouldn’t say that in front of Dante if I were you.”

  “Whatever,” I huffed, and sat in silence for the rest of the drive.

  We ended up in a part of town I’d never been to before, finally ending up in what looked like a gated home.

  Why the hell would a house need to be gated? I thought to myself. Just who was this Dante guy anyway?

  He had to be someone important, someone high ranking, to need a fancy gated house. Maybe he was in the government or a diplomat from Italy or something.

  Twin Two stopped the car at the gate and pulled a card from his pocket. He inserted it into the slot and then punched a code too quickly for me to see what it was. The gate slid open and we drove down a long driveway.

  As we got closer, I began to see just how massive the house was. Mansion was a better word for it because that’s exactly what it was. A sprawling, massive-ass mansion with what looked like three stories. I couldn’t even guess how many bedrooms were contained inside its white walls. I’d grown up in a house with just one bathroom, and that was horrible. Whoever lived here had to have at least fifteen of them. You could pee in a different toilet for several days and still never use them all.

  He stopped the car in front of a set of doors and they both got out of the car. Twin One opened the back door, reached inside, and grabbed my arm again. “C’mon,” he said.

  “Good evening, Mr. Rossi and Mr. Rossi,” a young valet said. Twin Two handed him the keys and what looked like a wad of cash.

  I looked at the valet and said, “You’re really going to just let them drag me around like this?”

  The valet looked at me for a second before guiltily looking away.

  “If he gets fired,” Twin One said as he led me to the door, “he won’t be able to feed his family. His mom’s chemo is expensive.”

  I hated the guilt that nagged at me. It was hard to feel sympathetic to a guy complicit in my kidnapping, and yet I did. This all was so messed up.

  When we got inside the lobby, the woman behind the desk quickly looked down, pretending like she hadn’t seen anything. She was probably another poor person the rich assholes that stayed in the hotel exploited in order to keep her quiet. I felt bad for her too.

  With a hotel this fancy, I was a little surprised that there wasn’t an elevator operator waiting for us. Twin One dragged me into the elevator and Twin Two pushed a button. Of course we were going to the penthouse. This Dante guy had to be loaded.

  A moment later, the elevator doors opened, revealing a sitting room with a few plush couches and expensive-looking artwork o
n the wall. The twins took me down a hallway, unlocked a door, and pushed me inside, locking the door behind them.

  It took me a moment to realize I wasn’t alone in the dim room. A man who had to be in his sixties wearing a butler’s uniform stood by a bar cart. God, was Dante Marcello actually Bruce Wayne or something?

  “Good evening, Ms. Hartville,” the butler said. He was even English, just like Alfred Pennyworth. “Is there anything I can offer you to drink?”

  “Leave me the fuck alone is what you can do,” I said, glaring at him.

  “Very good, Ms. Hartville,” Alfred said. He walked to the door, used a key to unlock the door, and left the room. A second later, I heard the lock slide back into place.

  “That was incredibly rude,” a deep voice said, nearly making me jump out of my skin.

  I looked around the room but didn’t see anyone.

  “I’ve seen too many episodes of 48 Hours and 60 Minutes to fall for that,” I said, still looking around. “I’m not going to drink something laced and wake up in a bathtub without my kidneys.”

  I heard a chuckle from my left and watched as a man stepped from the shadows.

  I gasped. It was the man from the fashion show, the hot one I’d locked eyes with. Damn, he was even hotter up close. He had a pensive expression on his face and was clearly sizing me up.

  Taking a step closer to him, I asked, “So you’re the guy who sent your thugs to kidnap me?”

  The man nodded, opening his mouth to speak.

  But I didn’t let him, slapping him as hard as I possibly could.


  I was surprised by the taste of blood in my mouth after Sadie slapped me.

  The impact of her hand on my face caused me to bite down on my tongue. I brought my fingers to my sore cheek and felt the burn. My cheek must have been reddening something fierce.